What is Farnsworth
Munsell 100 Hue Test?

The Farnsworth 100 hue test is a color vision test to diagnose color blindness. Dean Farnsworth invented the test in the 1940s to check for color blindness. In this test, four rows of 25 each different colored hues are arranged in a graded fashion, consisting mainly of the red, green, blue and purple colors. Each colored hue is represented by a tile. Thus making a total of hundred colored hue tiles. And hence the name, Farnsworth 100 hue test.

There are variants of the Farnsworth 100 hue test, involving lesser tiles. For example, 15 tiles( Farnsworth D15 test) or 40 tiles and 80 tiles as well.

The objective of the test is to identify color blindness by asking the user to arrange the scattered hues in a graded manner. The first and last tiles of each of the four rows are fixed. And the user is asked to arrange the rest of the colored tile hues in four rows, one after the other, in a pattern he/she thinks is correct.

How to take this test?

Start the test by clicking on the 'Start Test' button.

Four rows of colored tiles shall be present with the first and the last tiles being fixed.

Drag and drop the rest of the tiles in each respective row to form a graded hue pattern.

After completing the patterns of all four rows, finish the test by clicking on 'Score Your Score' at the bottom.

Check and review your results or retake the test for a confirmatory result.

Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test Scoring System

The scores of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 hue test are calculated based on two main factors. I.e., the number of mistakes made in arranging the tiles in an accurate order, and the distance or severity of the misplaced hue. The more mistakes and distance, the more the score and hence, the more the severity of the color vision deficiency. While a zero score indicates normal vision.


A score above 100 indicates a high error and frequency of mistakes in identifying the colored hues. And thus, depicts a weak color of visual eyesight. This score is interpreted as the presence of color blindness in an individual.


Most of the people in the population have an average score in the range of 16 to 100. An average score means normal vision with manageable errors with normal color competence.


A good score ranges between 0 to 16. A zero score indicates no error and a superior score means to have good vision with the best color discrimination ability.

Applications of This Test

The main purpose behind the making of the Munsell 100 hue test is to detect color blindness. The test records the scores and classifies them as low, average and good. The color blind score a low score of more than 100, and the people with good color visual ability have a superior score of zero.

Who Should Take This Test?

Designers and Visual Artists

The test is beneficial for artists and designers who deal with colors and their respective shades. The test helps them identify their weaknesses and helps them practice to get a good grip on the color gradation system. The Farnsworth Munsell 100 hue test helps to segregate good artists from the rest.

Color-Dependent Industries

People from the color-dependent industries, like painters, designers, makeup artists, interior designers, and decorators are in dire need of tests like the Farnsworth 100 hue test. This test helps to know the accuracy of their work and gives them a chance to work on their mistakes, if any. The test can be used as a screening test for these people to diagnose color blindness, or color deficiencies among the employees.

Personal Color Vision Assessment

The most useful function of the Munsell 100 hue test is to test personal color vision. It helps in early diagnosis of colorblindness, if one suffers from it but is unknown of the condition. Sometimes we are so overconfident that we ignore little things like calling two different shades of the color the same and fighting over it. In such conditions, this test proves to be the best test to diagnose color blindness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Good Score On The Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test?

A good score on the Munsell 100 hue test lies between 0 to 16. Where zero is the best score indicating superior color vision. The score zero means that no error is made while arranging the hues in gradient.

How Do You Use The Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test?

The Farnsworth Munsell test involves arranging colored hues according to a gradient in rows where the end tiles are fixed. The result of the test depends upon the accuracy of arranging the tiles in a perfect color gradient with minimal color differences. The test diagnoses the presence or absence of any color vision deficiency.

What Is The Cost Of The Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test?

The test can cost anywhere between 16 to 800 dollars at the hospital. On the other hand, it is a free test if taken online.